Happy 2022. To start of this year good here's the official release of Cheat Engine 7.4 My patreon members can get it here (The public release will be here any day now. Waiting for the advertisers / network owners to accept it) Please reports bugs and give suggestions to improve Cheat Engine.Additions and changes:AA templates now generate 14 byte jmp scripts when holding down ctrl
Foundcode dialog: Replace now toggles between nop and original. Also prevents duplicates
improved keyboard control to the hexview in memoryview. You can now hold shift while using the cursors to move
laststate isn't saved in tables anymore (unless ctrl is down)
added some space for dbvm functions so it's less likely to click them
you can now manually delete saved results
debugger attach timeout window will now show the status on some debugger interfaces
modules for 64-bit in 32-bit targets are more clearly marked as such
mono will not try to re-attach after a disconnect
lua: fixed copyMemory mode 2
from 7.3.1-7.3.2:structure dissect watch for changes now also shows you when something has changed inbetween
added hints to how the pointer wildcard works
the replace button in foundcode dialog now supports multiselect
You can now also change values of groupscan scan results directly in the foundlist
lua's openProcess command now won't deactivate all entries when previously no process was selected
you can now edit instructions with a breakpoint on them
added linux ABI c-compiler dll's
by default mono now releases the .net thread
from 7.3.2-7.4:added shortcut to add this address to addresslist in hexview (ctrl+numPlus)
goto address popup now centers on the memview window, instead of screen center
you can now change the font of the tracer tree
added isRep to the lua LastDisassemblerData field. And stepover now steps over rep instructions
break and trace: Added 'stay within module' option
added custom alignment option to the hexviewer section of the memoryviewer
Fixes:fixed loading back highligter config for auto assembler windows
.netinfo: fix field searching
fixed disassembler issues/memory corruption when closing a secondary memoryview window
fixed brake and trace killing the debugger when skipping certain modules an failing in figuring out the return address
fixed auto attach not stopping the process flash
mono is less likely to disconnect when dissecting an invalid memory address
fixed checkbox and radiobutton not sizing properly in dark mode
foundlist: display type override also afffects the saved columns
foundlist: new scan now alsdo clears the saved results
processlist: Fixed the highlighted color process entries in light mode
fixed compare to first scan hotkey
fixed handling of broken/empty language folders
fixed network modulesize lookup. (needs a new ceserver build as well)
fixed position saving for the foundcode dialog
fixed lua errors not giving a proper errormessage
fixed $c and $ccode for the 32-bit CE build
fixed logging of writes to ignore the addresslist freezing(Skyrimfus)
fixed dealing with -0.0f in c/ccode blocks
fixed memscan on the last block of readable memory
fixed dealing with the proper way of namespace.classname:modulename formatting. (Supports both formats)
fixed error when using freeze by thread with a very small interval
fixed $ccode and $luacode when not giving any parameters
fixed some include files erroring out when used
from 7.3.1-7.3.2:network ceserver/linux: Fixed wpm corrupting the memory
fixed the elf symbol parser
fixed speedhack on linux
il2cpp now has a progressbar
fixed handling some newer il2cpp games
fixed vmin assembling
fixed freezing when entering the wrong ceserver details
fixed deleting groupscan entries from the scan
fixed pointerscan not loading results when in a path with non-ascii characters
fixed the standalone trainer maker giving an error about duplicate entries
from 7.3.2-7.4:lua: fixed readByte signextending when it shouldn't
fix changeregonbp where it only changed xmm0
window position saving of "find what addresses this code accesses" should be more predictable
fixed saving of some color preferences in hexview, and added the fadecolor
fix AA createThreadAndWait not working in a standalone script
improved stability of mono
fixed break and trace ignore flag causing an stop instead of ignore on 64 bit targets
August 26 2021:Cheat Engine 7.3 Released for Windows and Mac for everyone:
I'm proud to announce that Cheat Engine 7.2 has been released. Many new features and fixes so check it out.Please report bugs and suggest new features for an even better version next time. Also, check out my Patreon for progress updates ,prerelease binaries, discord, etc...Additions and changes:Big Endian custom types. You can enable them in settings if you like
Commonality scanner now also compares the base address. (handy in case it's more than one register)
translation support for ceshare
smartedit now also deals with isPointer and isOffset memrecs
referencedfunctions filter improvement
PE section display/parsing for addresses
D3D hook now asks if you're sure you wish to use it (in case of accidental click)
Memoryview hexadecimal view: can now show custom types and changing memory protection depends on the selected byte(range)
Break and trace window now supports searching the referencedAddress, referencedBytes and Instruction
When changing a memoryrecord value, you can reference 'value' and apply math to it
Added a "File->Load Recent..." menulist
Added an option to autosave (in settings)
Added .netcore support to the dotnet data collector
Added a syntaxcheck menuoption to the CE lua script window
Added tabs to the autoassembler and CE Lua script window. In case of the Lua script, the tabs get loaded from left to right whenn the table loads
When syntax checking an AOBScan script in 64-bit that does an Alloc without prefered base, ask if the user understands that the jmp instruction will be 14 bytes long
Some extra foundlist preferences
Find out what access/writes now resolved the address to string (when it has time)
CEShare now has a list of games that have tables
AA: dealloc(*) - Now deallocated all memory a script allocated
AA: unregistersymbol(*) - Now unregisters all symbols a script registered
Added a more userfriendly .net inspector
Autoattach won't open itself anymore
CEShare now has a list of all available tables
Code Dissect now deals with relocated memory modules when loading a state back
Lua Formula scan has an alternate scan option which allows for more than 1 thread
Change Value of memory records can now deal with math
FixesAuto Assembler: Fixed getting weird numbers for newmem when using the templates to add new scripts
Unknown initial value scan for 2GB+ regions failed
Resolved issue where typecasts where replaced by addresses. (having a memoryrecord named float, would break AA scripts that'd use (float) )
AMD support for DBVM
Memoryrecord hotkeys showing up in the settings window as bring to front. Where clicking OK would then set it to that
Copy paste bug in the form designer
Hotkeys swapped comma and period on display
Resolved some issues with the forced module loader, and if it fails, don't freeze CE forever
AutoAssemble local would fail after opening a process
Pointermap based rescan
Assembler: (v)insertps , (v)comiss, (v)blendvp(s/d)
Kerneldebug is more stable on newer windows builds
Lua/Mono: Better support for utf8 strings
Lua/Mono: Support targets that use mono, but not unity
Lua/Mono: UWP targets work better
LuaEngine: Autocomplete won't lowercase functions anymore if they are lua functions
LuaFixed executeMethod for widestrings (type4)
Fixed AOBScanUnique truncating addresses
AddressList['description'] works now as well
some scripts variables that used to be global are now local
injectDLL has a new parameter to specify if CE should reload the symbols
getNameFromAddress has a new parameter to specify if you wish section names (default=false)
TfrmLuaEngine: document the mOutput and mScript properties
loadModule now has an optional timeout value
added an interface for the DotNetDataCollector
implemented RemoteExecutor , which is a class which can execute remote memory fastyer than ExecuteCodeEx while keeping the same capabilities
createClass and createComponentClass won't access violation anymore for giving an unsupported name
And a bunch of new functions and classes/methods/properties. Check out celua.txt
Post patch releases:11/05/2020: Fix some of the obsolete object_method functions that broke. (Only affects old (6.2) tables)
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Hereby the new release of CE 7.1. Just click the big download button aboveAlso, check out my patreon for progress updates and prerelease binaries (which you can also get if you where to compile ce yourself)and to add, from now on, the Mac version and Windows version will have equal release dates and features(Excluding mac/windows only stuff) as the sourcecode of the both have been merged into oneAdditions and changes:Added support for il2cpp (mono)
Added support for .NET dll plugins
Change register on breakpoint now also affects FP and XMM registers
Added CEShare, a way to share your tables with other people
Improved disassembling
copy bytes+addresses now only does bytes+addresses
call filter can now use the unwind data for functions to get a decent list of instructions
structure dissect shows the pointerpath at the bottom
Follow register while stepping (rightclick the register to show the option)
registersymbol and label now support multiple definitions in one line
improved the speed of the structure list when getting data from a pdb
hexview: doubleclicking a non-byte value now shows in the type you set
added sorting to the found code dialog
added filtering to the changed addresses window
the debugger settings won't lock from changing anymore, still needs you to reopen a process to have an affect
added always hide children groupoption
group headers can act as address now
AA command createthreadandwait now has a timeout parameter
Assembler scanning improvement
Added an AVX2 version of CE, which will speed up all those floating point operations CE does so much...
Improved structure lookup for PDB files
Symbolhandler can now have the following types in front of pointers : (BYTE), (WORD), (DWORD), (QWORD), (CHAR), (SHORT), (INT), (INT64) to typecast the pointer to a value of that type
Structure dissect can detect vc++ and object pascal classnames now
Dissect code now also detects references to strings
Sorting the addresslist now sorts faster and more properly with regards to groups (depends on the level your current selection is)
Rightclick the addresslist header to bring up a menu which allows you to disable sorting
Improved the processlist responsiveness
The chosen floating point rounding type is now saved in the registry
You can now use (addresslist description) as an address
Improved autocomplete
Changes:DBVM doesn't activate the TSC hook by default. You can still activate it by using dbvm_enableTSCHook()
Fixes:Fixed memoryleak when opening a file for hexediting again
Fixed utf8 display of the dissect windows window
Clear the taskbar progress when using a custom scan
Hexview: Fixed changing the address when pressing a non char key
Hexview: Fixed changing the address when doubleclicking and then canceling
alloc with a prefered base is now more aggressive in getting the range you want
fixed mono symbol lookup while dlls are still being loaded
fixed the structure compare not giving a proper errormessage
fixed improper error messages in structure dissect
fixed opening process in XP
fixed potential deadlock with the symbolhander
fixed issue with using the process var as symbol
fixed default form size for some windows when using high DPI
fixed DBVM on systems that have the default MTRR set as 6 (e.g Asus systems)
fixed DBVM find what accesses with large datasets
LuaNew functions: function onTableLoad(before)
changes: fixed executeCodeLocalEx with certain parameter definitions
fixed openFileAsProcess
checkSynchronize has a timeout now
OnGetDisplayValue now also works on AA records()
Please report bugs and give suggestions for an even better version next timePost patch releases (This is the reason why your 7.1 version says there is a newer version):04/26/2020: Fixed slow loading and deleting huge tables 2ff7e9595c